Inconsistent application of formatting
William J Miller
When I place ** two asterisks around text, it should bold it, and though it usually does, every now and then it won't. Similarly, when I place " double quotes around text, it usually includes the text exactly as written and removes the double quotes, but sometimes it leaves the double quotes in. Also, when I want it to include something like a dot phrase (our EMR uses the \ backslash for the "dot"), despite place the phrase between quotes, it will omit the leading character, possibly interpreting it as a typo. Regarding bullets, I prefer hyphens over the dot bullets for list items, and Heidi will abide by this maybe 70% of the time, but seemingly randomly it will go back to dot bullets. Finally, for reasons unknown to me, the line breaks and paragraph breaks and spacing will look perfect within Heidi, but when copied over to my EMR, a portion of the lists will end up without any breaks, e.g. instead of
- Na: 130
- K: 3.4
- Cl: 113
It shows: - Na: 130 - K: 3.4 - Cl:113.
I usually copy using WITH formatting but WITHOUT lists, I've tried WITH lists, but then it copies all the lists over with paragraph breaks between them instead of simple line breaks. All of these problems seem to be true whether I use the iPhone app, desktop app, or Web app.
This. Agree pasting behavior has changed. Now much of the time saved on using heidi can be lost rearranging lists in the emr.
William J Miller
Also, I'm just now seeing in my post that when I attempted to create that list of labs with hyphens, the output has bullet points instead for some reason. I wonder if the problem has anything to do with that. The reason I prefer the hyphen is because it works more nicely in my EMR and plays with other EMRs better as well.