Add rich-text formatting in Heidi
in progress
Theo from Heidi
in progress
The new editor is in a phased rollout currently with the view to add further elements such as tables and styling options in the near future
Canny AI
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Ability to create tables
Jeff Panzer
See my instructions to Heidi below for a care plan - it didn't quite work. I wasn't able to create the tables. I have been using care plans for years, and happy to discuss with someone on your team further. It's a digestible, longitudinal format that I think will grow in popularity as DPC and value-based care grows.
Best, Jeff
Create a care plan. Put "CARE PLAN" at the top and center it. Then create a paragraph starting with "[Patient name] is a [age] year old who established are at Bridge on [date of new patient visit note]". Continue paragraph with social history details (excluding substance use and sexual history) and goals (if mentioned in transcript or contextual notes).
After paragraph, add a space, and then create a two column table. First row should be shaded a soft yellow color, if possible. If not possible, just underline the words - "Issue & Notes" in the left column, and "Plan" in the right. Beneath that, in each row starting with the 2nd row, please add an issue in bold (for example, "Preventive care", "Headaches", "Elevated Blood Pressure", etc). Use "Preventive care" always in the 2nd row (beneath the Issues & Notes row). Beneath the bolded issue label but in the same row and column, add history about the issue - for example, "blood pressure elevated today at 135/85 - patient reports that he gets nervous at the doctor's office". In the right-hand column (the "Plan" column), add a brief assessment & plan for that issue - for example, assessment would read "Likely white coat hypertension" and plan would read "monitor BP 12 times in the next month". Put the assessment at top with the plan as bullets beneath assessment.
After table, add a space, and then create a new table with 3 columns - "Labs", "Results", "Date" are the headers for the top row of the column. Please underline them, and please shade this first row light blue if possible. In the 1st column, 2nd row, write "Cholesterol". In the 1st column, 3rd row, write "Diabetes test". In the 1st column, 4th row, write "Electrolytes". In the 1st column, 5th row, write "Kidney function". In the 1st column, 6th row, write "Liver function". In the 1st column, 7th row, write "Blood counts". In the 1st column, 8th row, write "Thyroid function". In the 1st column, 9th row, write "Infections". In the 1st column, 10th row, write "Other".
After table, add a space, and then create a new table with 3 columns - "Cancer screening", "Latest result", "Date" are the headers for the top row of the column. Please underline them, and please shade this first row light orange if possible. In the 1st column, 2nd row, write "Pap smear". In the 1st column, 3rd row, write "Mammogram". In the 1st column, 4th row, write "Colonscopy". In the 1st column, 5th row, write "Prostate-specific antigen".
After table, add a space, and then create a new table with 3 columns - "Diagnostic Studies", "Latest result", "Date" are the headers for the top row of the column. Please underline them, and please shade this first row light orange if possible. Add two blank rows beneath the first row.
After table, add a space, and then add:
"Electronically signed by Jeff Panzer, MD - NPI 1225158728"
Canny AI
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Formatting in Custom Templates
Liana Johnstone
Be able to bold/underline/bullet point within a custom template so that when the template is used the headings are automatically bolded for example. This would save having to manually go through and bold headings etc. after the information has been generated
Ivy Hamilton
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Additional Note and Template Formatting
Aubrey Johnston
Our EMR is finicky with font type and size (it wants Tahoma 9). We also use Heidi to create our MA's clinical chart prep notes, which are often hard to read because the output text size is so small. It would be very beneficial if we could specify font type and font size for a template, perhaps even be able to select different fonts/sizes within the same template so that some sections are larger text than others. Font color would be great to change as well. A couple of our providers like their procedure findings to be in red, which they have to copy as black, then paste and edit to red in the EMR as of right now.
shazia ghufran
Yesci need this .It takes long time to do manually
Mo from Heidi
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Note text formatting
David Tunchon
I would like to be able to do some basic formatting of a note such as bold, italics and underlining certain text (such as headings for a note)
Mo from Heidi
This has been a particularly tricky one, as trivial as it seems, because we're constrained by the technical approach we took to the text editor when launching Heidi in the first instance. Yesterday, we internally committed to re-building the text editor to allow you to not only bold / italicise, but add tables, images, headings, and enshrine these at the template-level also. We'll let capture this piece of work. Shouldn't be far away.
Simon Young
Mo from Heidi Any progress?
Mo from Heidi
Simon Young: Starting a phased rollout of the new text editor tomorrow. Will slowly up the increments (% of users who see the new editor) over a 2-week period, and only revert if something goes wrong. I'm optimistic.
Mo from Heidi Looking forward to trying it out. Thanks
Canny AI
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BOLD Formatting
Paul Pluss
Nearly all our docs at Pindara emergency (Gold Coast) are using Heidi.
They all would like to be able to format the Templates, so the notes are easier to read.
In particular they would like to be able to make the heading BOLD.
In the final constructed notes, when you hover over some text you can see Format options. (Attachment 1)
But, when you edit a template, or make a new template, there seems to be no option to set formatting? (Attachment 2)
An example of how we would like the notes to appear with BOLD headings is included (Attachment 3)
You'll be happy to see our credit to Heidi at the bottom of our notes:
' Notes created using Heidi AI Medical Scribe | '
We send our notes to hundreds of GPs and specialists every day!
Thanks for considering our request.
Paul Plüss
m. 0411 267 100
Canny AI
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Template headings in bold
Adam Costanzo
Allow template headings to be in bold. Thanks.
Canny AI
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Spiro Arkadianos
Would like to add soem formatting to the documents we make
mainly to have headings bold
leter placing things in tables - helps greate a good care plan
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