Be able to reorder template list
Theo from Heidi
Andrea Hoeg
Merged in a post:
Logical ordering of Templates
Minh Nguyen
Instead of having templates in order of creation, Heidi should allow you to reorder templates so they are in a logical order making it easier to find the templates you’re looking for
Mo from Heidi
Mo from Heidi
Merged in a post:
Favorite templates
Anik Saha
I use 2-3 custom templates which I would like to always appear at the top of the list when creating a document. Currently I have to scroll through a number of heidi templates to get to the ones I want
Mo from Heidi
Hi LESLIE CUEVAS, and voters. I'd love to learn more about why you'd like this. Is this so you can have your most used templates visible, above-the-fold on your "How would you like your notes structured?" modal? Or is there another reason?
Gregor Nathanael Schwarz
Mo from Heidi It seems the list is ordered by frequency. One thing I don't like about this that the order then shifts over time and I may prefer a list that has the same order even if I one day or two use a template more that is usually less common. I think options such as 1) frequency based, 2) alphabetical and maybe manual sort could be nice.
Mo from Heidi
Gregor Nathanael Schwarz: Understood. We've added this our backlog. We'll pick up in due course. Even sooner if this post amasses votes! Thanks :)
Heather Wallick
Gregor Nathanael Schwarz
I agree. I see different types of patients on different days. A specific template is use for separate population/visit types. Even the ability to arrange the order of the templates ourselves.