Improved Template Editor
Sasha Kovacevic
A new and improved version of the template builder that allows users to easily understand how to create custom templates as well as customise Heidi's ones.
This template builder will make it easier to add sections and different content types through more intuitive and visual representations of content types, as well as better explanations of the different types of content and what they do.
Lauren W Shearer
Some syntax highlighting would also be useful as an option
Also remove the gradient from the bottom of the input
E.G. highlighting "Commands" (curved brackets), "Fields" [Square Brackets] and Quotes "in quotes"
I currently use a text editor (notepad++) to edit my templates, and it makes complicated instructions much easier to give, separating the [] and () instructions, quoted items (to reproduce directly) and examples..
It would also be nice to use an alternate symbol for AI instructions, as curved brackets are often used in medical letters and notes (for example like this) and it would be nice to be able to include them without risking it being an instruction. An alternative would be curly brackets, or something like // i.e. a comment.
Daren Lin
I need it to not be in a pop up because if I click outside the template pop up it closes it without saving! Need to lock the screen until I save + exit, or exit without saving.
Theo from Heidi
Merged in a post:
Improvement of Templates
Lilac Sailboat
I find the current templates to be lacking in certain aspects, which affects the quality of my notes. It would be beneficial to enhance the templates to better meet user needs and improve the overall note-taking experience.
Kevin Yong
Formatting text and tables in the template editor
Catherine Tye
Kevin Yong agree - our current templates are in tables - so much easier to find info
I talked to Harry about this 2 weeks. Template builders for different professions are needed...maybe ambassadors can help here.
Common headings/phrases/assessments/treatments could be started in lists external to the main template box and then clicks or drag/drop allows these selections to build the template structure.
Make it easy for new customers or less tech savvy to reduce time set up
Theo from Heidi
Sasha Kovacevic
in progress