Team admin to see usage from team in app.
Dan Pritchard
Yes please 10/10.
If I can add to this - please give a range of stats, for example:
Last sign in
Last session
sessions per <time period>
active session minutes per <time period>
A user friendly dashboard/presentation would be great and fine for most - but please also give the option to export these stats as raw data in csv for those of us who like to perform our own analysis.
Mo from Heidi
Dan Pritchard & Robert Ayer: This is helpful. What else would you like to see? Bonus points for labelling each analytic with "MUST" / "SHOULD" / "COULD"
Dan Pritchard
Mo from Heidi I can't speak for Robert, but for me if I think about what I'd like to see in the raw data csv for analysis it would be to have a couple of export options as below:
Team Export
- Clinician UID - MUST (unless this is the email address)
- Clinician first name - MUST
- Clinician last name - MUST
- Clinician email address - MUST
- Clinician Discipline/Profession - MUST
- Last sign in date - MUST
- Last sign in time - MUST
Session export
Option to "ignore blank sessions" or "ignore zero duration sessions", but otherwise include these.
- Clinician UID - MUST (unless this is the email address)
- Patient UID (UID, not name for privacy. IF the session was linked to a patient; otherwise blank) - SHOULD
- Session date - MUST
- Session start time - MUST
- Session end time - MUST
- Template used - COULD
- Session deleted date / time - SHOULD
- Brain Hemisphere used - COULD
- Dictation Mode used - COULD
- Voice used - COULD
- Consent confirmed (Yes, N/A) - SHOULD
The following fields would only be required if the Team Export was not available (as you'd just link the two reports via the Clinician UID):
- Clinician first name - MUST
- Clinician last name - MUST
- Clinician email address - MUST (Note: if the email address is the UID, then this must be included regardless)
- Clinician Discipline/Profession - MUST
Thinking about a user friendly / GUI presentation inside Heidi's portal, I think you could:
- Add last login time to the Team table
- Add last session time to the Team table
- Either have a stats page OR give an option to set a time period for some additional stats on the team table (e.g. past 7 days, past 30 days, this month, last month, etc.), then add the following fields to the Team table that are dynamic based on the time period chosen:
- Total sessions - MUST
- Total session minutes - MUST
- Average session duration - MUST
This presentation should ignore blank sessions.
If you go with a stats page, I'd also include some graphical presentations of the stats as a MUST - similar to the attached chart that we were sent last year for our usage (I've anonymised it).
Dan Pritchard
Oh I should also add!
- Ability to schedule the export of reports to be sent via email as CSV - MUST 😂
Other Heidi-generated reports that you could include for export (e.g. in PDF) might be:
- Leaderboard report (sessions/minutes)
- Discipline/Profession report
- Time saved report (based on 4 minutes per session, I think that's the metric Heidi uses)
These are less useful for me personally but I likely don't represent the typical demographic. 😊